Message from the CEO’s Desk – Jebb McIntosh With regards to the concerns and questions that have been raised regarding the Coronavirus.
We all face a difficult challenge responding to the Coronavirus, COVID-19, which the World Health Organization has declared a pandemic. The safety of our customers, employees, families, and visitors remains the overriding priority of the CMH GROUP.
We are vigilantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation and implementing additional precautionary measures within all CMH GROUP Dealerships in order to avoid and decrease the spread of the Coronavirus.

To aid in minimizing the spread of the virus, all CMH Group Dealerships and offices have implemented the following measures.
1. Encourage employees and Customers to regularly and thoroughly clean their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

2. Customers and Employees will be given hand Sanitiser on entry to the Dealership.

3. As has always been the norm in CMH Group workshops, the customer vehicles will have protective gear, steering wheel covers, and seat covers, etc fitted on arrival, and the inside of the vehicle and outside touchpoints will be sanitized before customer collection.
4. All Dealerships are disinfected regularly throughout the day, this includes all touch surfaces, door handles, railings, taps, desks, computers, cell phones, credit card terminals, keys (Customers), etc. The Coronavirus is not airborne, it relies on touch.

5. Any CMH Group Staff member, should they show or experience any cold or flu-like symptoms, have been requested to go and see a medical practitioner right away.
6. Maintain social distancing, by maintaining at least 1-metre distance between yourself and the next person.
7. Practice respiratory hygiene, making sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.

At the CMH Group, your health and the health of our staff are of paramount importance. Consequently, we will ensure that the required protocols will be applied diligently.
We thank you for your support
Best Regards